Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Open your Encyclopedia to F...

As part of my commitment to myself to finish my life encyclopedia (if not in the cute scrapbook album that I made for it at CKU, at least here in my blog), I bring you, my faithful reader, the letter F:


Family: I have been incredibly blessed to have a great family, even my brother - sometimes. I have been even more blessed in the in-laws that I inherited a little over two years ago. I've always thought my family was kind of unusual - my aunt is 25 years older than my mom because their side of the family was a "his, hers, and ours" type of thing. So I have cousins who are older than my mother, which is a little freaky when you think of it.

Family Reunion: The weekend after Labor Day every year, without fail. It's always held at South Higgins Lake State Park, and is always a good time.

Friends: Just as with my family, I am so blessed in my friends. They have been there for me in good times and bad, and I wouldn't trade them for a moment. If I ever had to hide a body, I could definitely call at least a couple of them, and they'd help me do it. That's just the kind of friends they are. Another couple of them would go a bit further and scrapbook the experience, but, hey - I probably would, too!

Fonts: I am a HUGE fontaholic. I think I have over 1500 fonts on my PC right now, and would probably have more if I didn't keep myself away from the font sites. Sigh...

French: I wish I had taken more semesters in college. I remember very little anymore.


Nancy said...


Colors of Me said...

wow - that is a cool idea for the encyclopedia - and i just had to tell you i love your shelfari bookcase - awesome books - LOVE kelly armstrong and laurel k. hamilton - vampires rock - lol i just reviewed some of jaci burton's new paranormals on my site.