Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy Weekend!

Not much going on around here today, but I just wanted to pop in and say Happy Weekend to anyone who cares to read it! Wish me luck - my 4-wheel drive quit working at some point in the last 6 years (I just discovered it during our 14-inches-of-snow-storm), so I have to take my car up to the dreaded dealership, with which I have had many, many, many problems in the past. The nice thing is that they're going to have a loaner car for me to use in my travels this coming week, which will be many - back and forth to Jackson twice, and a side-trip to Grand Rapids thrown in there as well. So, if I don't post much this week, you'll know why - it's hard to type while driving a car... Have a great week, everyone!


Nancy said...

man not more car problems. Want me to talk to them for you? LOL Car people do not like me to enter their building. Have a great weekend.

Jen said...

Nancy, I might just have to have you do that! They certainly aren't scared of me! LOL

Jeanne said...

That stinks. Had that trouble with a Bronco we used to have. Least you've got good wheels to get you on your travels this week.

Jayne said...

Hope everything works out at the dealer! Have faith!