Monday, February 04, 2008

I wish...

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Today I had the Rascall Flatts song (I think it's called "My Wish") in my head, and I got to thinking about wishes and the sorts of things I wish for. For example, I really wish that I could get up the motivation to exercise. I know there are people who enjoy it, and I wish I were one of them. But alas, I'm not. I wish that I could start writing on my blog and think of something so profound that people would weep when they read it (well, maybe not, but you get the idea). I wish I was better at money management. I wish I could draw/paint. I wish I could speak Spanish more than a few words. I wish we got together with the extended family more than twice a year. I wish that XTC would reform and release many more albums. I wish abundant happiness for all my friends. I wish that people wouldn't be so quick to discriminate against others because of the color of their skin, where they worship, or who they love. I wish that I could remember not to be crabby and irritated with the people who love me, because we never know how long we'll have with them. These are my wishes. Some are spoken, some are unspoken. Some things I don't know I wish for yet. Some I don't know how to articulate. But they are wishes, and they are mine. So when you find that magic lamp with the genie in it, send it my way - I could use the help.

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