Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crazy me!

For anyone who didn't know, we got rained on last night/this morning. That's right, on top of the snow we had piled up. Needless to say, it didn't make for very good roads this morning. Well, guess who had to sing at early service at our church today. That's right! So, I set off to pick up Mom and head to warm-up. We were supposed to be at church by 7:40, and I was supposed to pick Mom up at 7:30 for the seven minute journey across town. As I turned onto her street, I knew I should probably just head home, because I went into a spin and ended up facing opposite the way I wanted to go. Not a good sign... But, we persevered, and at about 7:53, pulled into the parking lot. Let me just say that any time it takes 23 minutes to drive what should be a seven minute trip, you've got trouble, my friends. To make a long story short, we arrived, got inside, and found that we were two of 22 people at church, including the pastor. Fully half of these people were crazy choir members just like us. Once I got back home, I settled in to relax and read, and my friend Shelly came knocking on the door. I forgot about the baby shower I was supposed to go to with her, even though she'd reminded me Friday and Saturday about it. So it's official... I'm certifiably insane. I'm going to run away and join a different circus - this one's getting too strange even for me!

1 comment:

Jayne said...

EEK! Scary....

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