Saturday, October 11, 2008

Exciting news...

I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating. I LOVE Jessica Sprague. She's an awesome blogger, a great teacher, and her digital/hybrid scrapbooking tips and tricks are to die for. So when I saw this on her blog, I had to share it with all of you. In November, she is offering a new class for FREE. That's right - no charge! The class sounds totally awesome, and it's open to as many people who want to take it, which is great as well. I'm definitely signing up - I've been wanting to take her digital scrapbooking classes for some time now, but time and finances haven't lined up together, so I haven't been able to. I can't do the justice to the explanation of the class, so here's the link to the information. If you've never visited, take a minute and read more of her blog - she's a great writer!


Jeanne said...

I saw that too and I'm so stoked to do it. Can't wait to see what she does and its free!!

Rita said...

Wow -- a free class by Jessica Sprague?? That is exciting! Hope you enjoy it!