Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Guess what came today?

That's right! Now I can read books two through four!! If you don't hear from me, you know what I'll be doing...
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Jeanne said...

Come up for air and tell us what you think at least. hehe

DawnW said...

Well, how are they? I am still waiting to start #1. Maybe they will cal me next week when I have less going on...who am I kidding, they will call when I am the busiest. Enjoy!!!

Rita said...

Hope you love them as much as I did! I know some people aren't in love with these books, but I thoroughly enjoyed them!

Colors of Me said...

I had some trouble in book one getting through the whole - holding hands coming our of biology class thing - i haven't been in biology class in 20 years LOL!!! Have you read the Host yet?? And did you know she is rewriting Twilight from Edwards point of view?? Guess I need to catch up!!