Sunday, April 10, 2005

Catch up...

I've been out of Internet connection range/time the last few days, so here are some pictures and stories...

We got to Tucson on April 3rd to visit Aunt Rose's friends who I call Aunt Ginny & Uncle Cy. We haven't seen them in two years, and in the intervening time Aunt Ginny, who has Parkinson's disease, had had a stroke and is now confined to a wheelchair. She hasn't let that slow her down, though. She's still convinced that she can do everything she used to do. The first day in Tucson, we went over to Green Valley (a mostly retirement community about half an hour south of Tucson) to visit another friend of Aunt Rose's whose husband had recently passed away. On the way there, we stopped at an art gallery and looked around for a while.

Me with Aunt Ginny Posted by Hello

Aunt Rose, Aunt Ginny & Uncle Cy Posted by Hello

On Tuesday, we got up and went to the Tohono Chul park, which is like a botanical garden filled with native plants. After we went through the park, we headed out to Kitt Peak observatory to look around there. It was interesting, but I really didn't get to do anything, so that made it a little bit boring. I think I would rather have been able to go at night when the guests get to look up in the sky and see what the astonomers do all the time.

Kitt Peak Observatory (solar) Posted by Hello

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